[:en]If you’ve grown up on the west coast, you’re bound to have memories of warm summer days on Rottnest Island. Stuffing your face with goodies from the bakery, from sausage rolls to those infamous jam donuts. If you were lucky enough mum and dad may have even treated you to a big scoop of Simmo’s ice-cream before the ferry home. But we’re here to tell you there’s a new king in town, and his name is Cervantes! We think we’ve got a pretty definitive list of why it’s time to make some new memories in one of the most beautiful locations along WA’s Coral Coast.
1. Journey to the Beginning of Time!
Okay Rottnest is historical, but what’s more historical than the oldest known living organisms in the whole world? Take the drive to Lake Thetis and check out the stromatolites and this is exactly what you’ll be looking at. Don’t forget to take the camera because you won’t want to miss out a chance to snap this exquisite location.
2. WA Fresh is Best
By now you’ve enjoyed your fair share of bakery pastries, so it’s time for a yummy change. Look no further than fresh WA seafood at Lobster Shack. With choices ranging from grilled lobsters, crunchy coleslaw or fried rice, to the most delicious take on a classic WA fish and chips, you’ll be forgetting about those meat pies in no time!
3. See the Stars!
Sure, sunset at Fays Bay is something else, but seeing the stars from The Pinnacles is an experience like no other. Away from the light pollution of Perth’s bustling city and surrounded by one of the most breathtaking locations in WA, jump on the trail and take a sunset walk through the park. Then sit back and wait for the magic to happen. If you’re a photography aficionado try your skills at capturing the night sky, or leave the camera at home and take in the beauty sans technology.
4. Coral Coast Animals
The quokka selfie has peaked. Roger Federer has taken the title of ultimate selfie king this summer, and nothing will compare. So, give up on any attempts and head to our Coral Coast for selfies like no others! What’s more exciting than a profile picture with your new mates, the seals of Cervantes? Or how about that Instagram story featuring breakfast with the Dolphins?
5. Endless Uninterrupted Beaches
Rottnest delivers some stunning beaches, but the downside to their popularity means large crowds during our warm summer months. Instead, check out Hangover Bay for endless stretches of isolated white sand and crystal blue water. You won’t find yourself battling with everyone else’s umbrella’s, sand being flicked around or being splashed when you were trying really hard to keep your hair dry! And the best part is that you don’t need a boat or large four-wheel drive to get there. How’s the serenity![:]